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Friday, August 30, 2024

The Alma Arkansas Police Department is attempting to locate a missing 14-year-old juvenile. Kadee Wise was last seen at Alma High School in Alma, AR on August 29th, 2024.

The Alma, Arkansas community is on high alert as the local police department intensifies its efforts to locate Kadee Wise, a 14-year-old juvenile who has been reported missing. Kadee was last seen at Alma High School on August 29th, 2024, and her sudden disappearance has left her family, friends, and the entire community deeply concerned for her safety.

Kadee Wise is described as a bright, kind-hearted teenager with a love for school and a strong connection to her friends and family. 

Her unexpected disappearance has sent shockwaves through the close-knit town of Alma, where she is well-known and cherished by those around her. 

The Alma Police Department, working tirelessly in collaboration with local authorities and volunteers, has launched an extensive search operation to locate Kadee and ensure her safe return.

The circumstances surrounding Kadee’s disappearance remain unclear, and the police are exploring all possible leads. They are urging anyone who may have seen Kadee or has any information regarding her whereabouts to come forward immediately. 

The community has also mobilized, with volunteers organizing search parties, distributing flyers, and using social media to spread the word about Kadee’s disappearance in the hope of gathering any clues that could lead to her safe return.

The disappearance of a young person is a parent’s worst nightmare, and Kadee’s family is living through an agonizing period of uncertainty and fear. 

They are pleading for Kadee to come home and are asking anyone with information to help bring her back safely. The family, supported by friends and neighbors, is holding onto hope, clinging to the possibility that Kadee will be found soon.

As the search continues, the Alma Police Department remains steadfast in its commitment to finding Kadee. They have increased patrols in the area and are 

working closely with neighboring law enforcement agencies to widen the search. Community members are being encouraged to remain vigilant and report anything unusual that might help in the investigation.

The entire town of Alma is united in its concern for Kadee Wise, and the sense of urgency to find her grows with each passing hour. The hope is that with the continued efforts of law enforcement and the community’s unwavering support, 

Kadee will be located and brought back to the safety of her home and loved ones. Until then, the community remains on edge, praying for her safe return and offering strength to her family during this harrowing time.

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