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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Adds Braze Rucker to Most Wanted List: Armed and Dangerous Felony Suspect Connected to Trooper Shooting; Public Urged to Report Any Sightings Immediately

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) has recently added Braze Rucker to its Most Wanted List, categorizing him as an armed and dangerous felony suspect. This development has heightened public 

awareness and concern, as Rucker is connected to a serious incident involving the shooting of a state trooper. The TBI is urging the public to report any sightings of Rucker immediately, emphasizing the potential risk he poses to the community.

Braze Rucker, whose criminal background includes multiple felonies, has been on the run since the incident that left a Tennessee State Trooper critically injured. The shooting occurred during a routine traffic stop, which escalated into a violent confrontation.

 Rucker, who was a passenger in the vehicle, allegedly opened fire on the trooper before fleeing the scene. Despite the quick response from law enforcement, Rucker managed to evade capture, triggering a statewide manhunt.

The TBI has mobilized extensive resources in the search for Rucker, including collaboration with local, state, and federal agencies. His addition to the Most Wanted List underscores the urgency of the situation and the serious threat he poses. 

Authorities have released a detailed description and recent photograph of Rucker to aid the public in identifying him. Rucker is described as a 35-year-old male, approximately 6 feet tall, with a muscular build, brown hair, and distinctive tattoos. He is considered armed and extremely dangerous, and the public is advised not to approach him if spotted.

In a concerted effort to capture Rucker swiftly, the TBI has also announced a substantial reward for information leading to his arrest. This reward aims to incentivize anyone with knowledge of Rucker’s whereabouts to come forward. The TBI has established a tip line and encouraged the use of online platforms for anonymous reporting.

Community leaders and law enforcement officials are appealing to the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity. They stress that public safety is paramount and that capturing Rucker is critical to preventing further harm. 

The injured trooper, whose name has not been disclosed, remains in critical condition, and the law enforcement community is rallying to support the trooper’s family during this difficult time.

As the manhunt for Braze Rucker continues, the TBI reiterates its commitment to bringing him to justice. The agency’s message is clear: with the combined efforts of law enforcement and the public, Rucker will be apprehended, ensuring the safety and security of Tennessee residents.

 The situation remains fluid, and updates will be provided as new information becomes available. The TBI's steadfast determination and community cooperation are pivotal in resolving this urgent and dangerous situation.

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