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Sunday, April 7, 2024

President Susan H. Porter of IDS conveyed a message with her slogan, "Pray, He Is There"

Primary General President Susan H. Porter addressed attendees during the Sunday morning session of the April 2024 general conference, focusing her remarks on the significance of prayer, particularly drawing insights from the Primary song "A Child’s Prayer."

President Porter emphasized the profound blessing of prayer, highlighting that it offers a direct line of communication with Heavenly Father, accessible at any time and in any place.

In her talk, President Porter outlined three key purposes of prayer:

Firstly, she encouraged children to pray to gain knowledge and assurance of Heavenly Father's reality and love, emphasizing the empowering truth encapsulated in the Primary song lyrics, "Pray, He is there; speak, He is listening." She advised that in times of difficulty or unanswered prayers, it's often more beneficial to seek understanding of Heavenly Father's will rather than questioning why.

Secondly, President Porter urged children to pray for personal growth, emphasizing the example set by Jesus Christ in guiding individuals to live virtuously and develop qualities that mirror His own.

Lastly, she encouraged children to pray for assistance in demonstrating Heavenly Father's love to others, underscoring the transformative power of prayer in enabling individuals to become instruments of kindness and compassion in the lives of those around them.

Through her insightful message, President Porter reinforced the profound impact of prayer in nurturing spiritual growth, fostering resilience, and cultivating a deeper connection with God.

“Share with Heavenly Father what is in your heart. As you sincerely ask for His help, you will receive His Spirit to guide you. Praying every day will fill you with love for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. This will help you want to follow Them your whole life. …

“I invite you to pray to know Heavenly Father is there, pray to grow to become like Him and pray to show His love to others.”

Notable quotes

 “When you know that Heavenly Father is real and that He loves you, you can live with courage and hope. ‘Pray, He is there; speak, He is listening.’”

“Share with Heavenly Father what is in your heart. As you sincerely ask for His help, you will receive His Spirit to guide you.”

“I invite you to pray to know Heavenly Father is there, pray to grow to become like Him and pray to show His love to others.”

Who is President Porter?

President Susan H. Porter assumed the role of Primary General President in August 2022, following her endorsement in the April 2022 general conference. Prior to this, she served as the First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency starting from April 2021.

In her academic pursuits, President Porter attained a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Brigham Young University in 1976.

Together with her late husband, Elder Bruce D. Porter, a General Authority Seventy, President Porter nurtured their family in various locations including Massachusetts, Virginia, and Germany before settling in Provo, Utah. They are blessed with four children.

Recent activities of President Porter include:

1. Sharing three valuable lessons during the April 2022 general conference, reflecting her ongoing spiritual journey with the Savior.

2. Embarking on a visit to the Philippines in November alongside Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson. Their visit aimed at ministering to members, engaging with civic leaders, and observing child nutrition initiatives.

3. Accompanying Sister Kristin M. Yee, second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, on a 10-day ministry trip to the Caribbean in February.

4. In March, President Porter and the Primary general presidency were prominently featured in a Friend to Friend event, further strengthening connections with young members of the Church.

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