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Monday, March 25, 2024

Why Easter Lunch Outshines Christmas Dinner Every Time

My family doesn't make a big fuss over Easter, so I've come to appreciate, thanks to my in-laws, that Easter surpasses Christmas in terms of food and drink. Christmas dinner often feels like a forced affair, centered around meats that aren't typically enjoyed throughout the year. The infamous Brussels sprout, for instance, is always defended by recipes insisting it pairs well with bacon, but after a month of indulging in various pork dishes, the last thing you crave on Christmas Day is more pork in unexpected dishes.

In contrast, Easter is less rigid. While Christmas marks the end of a month-long period of excess, Easter arrives after the more disciplined period of Lent. Even if you haven't been abstaining from alcohol, chocolate, or other indulgences, Easter weekend feels like a release. Enjoying a glass of good wine with lunch becomes a treat, especially after refraining from indulging the night before. Unlike Christmas, which marks the beginning of winter, Easter symbolizes hope and the arrival of spring, sometimes accompanied by sunny weather.

The Easter meal is something to savor rather than endure. It typically includes fresh spring greens, purple sprouting broccoli, and perhaps a salad, along with a choice of meat that you actually enjoy and that the cook might prepare more than once a year. For instance, my mother-in-law prepares a delicious roast lamb with a flavorful coriander and mustard crust, served alongside dauphinoise potatoes. There are never any leftovers to worry about, so there's no need for creative ways to use them up.

While Christmas meals tend to stick to traditional English fare, Easter menus are more open-minded and influenced by international cuisines. You might experiment with tabbouleh or try a dish with feta and olives. Unlike a failed experimental Christmas meal, a less-than-perfect Easter lunch is easily forgotten, with less pressure to impress.

Easter also offers superior ancillary treats compared to Christmas. The hot cross bun, a quintessential English baked good, has been enjoyed for centuries. While some variations may seem unappealing, like a cheese and Marmite version, they can surprise with unexpected delights. As for chocolate eggs, while large ones may be overwhelming, smaller ones like Cadbury's Mini Eggs are a rare pleasure, filling the air with their enticing aroma.

Criticism of Easter often falls on chocolate eggs, but they're just one aspect of the holiday. Unlike Christmas, which can feel commercialized and rushed, Easter is unhurried and profound, offering a truly meaningful festival experience with much better food.

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